Director Takashi Shimizu, known for his previous Japanese horror works such as the pioneering THE GRUDGE, JU-ON and MAREBITO, now delivers a combination of monstrosity tied this time with virtual reality. Set on a remote Japanese island, IMMERSION employs the same ghastly storyline of the dead reimmersing back to life to attack the living.
Month: November 2023
In the enigmatic introspection of Kei Ishikawa’s A MAN, the boundaries of identity blur with the essence of truth, subjecting itself to endless scrutiny. Adapted from Keiichiro Hirano’s novel, Ishikawa artfully delves deep into self-discovery that challenges our perceptions of ourselves and others.
MATCHMAKING is an eye-opening, charming Romeo and Juliet story sans a tragic ending within Israel’s ultra-Orthodox community. A 2023 Israeli box office success, this modern-day romantic dramedy from director Erez Tadmor delivers an insightful exploration of the Jewish matchmaking tradition with a dose of social critique.